Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snail of a Tail

Snail of a Tail. Dry Point.
This was my experiment with dry point etching on plexiglass.  I simply etched the image onto a small piece of plexiglass, inked it, and then printed it.  It was hard to control the lines but much quicker than etching on metal.


Kyaks. Lino-Cut.
This was my first attempt at a linoleum cut and the registration of several different plates.  To make the image I had to carve three separate pieces of linoleum, ink them, and then print them in such a way that the image lined up. I struggled with getting it all to line up but I enjoyed using the bold lines and vibrant colors.


Tea for Two. Etching.
This was my first experience with the etching process.  I etched into a Zinc plate this picture of the birds based off a picture I actually saw on Pinterest.  I made some modifications to make the image more of my own. I would love to continue to explore this technique.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Spoon Garden-Markers

For my mom's birthday I flattened out these spoons...

and then hammered in the vegetable/plant names.

They'll be fun to stick in the garden or pots to mark what's growing where.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Watercolor Doodles

Watercolors have become my new favorite medium to explore. I had a lot of fun with the waterproof ink on these little cards. Perfect for thank yous, notes, or tags.

Laura and the Seven Peas

Just some fun colored-penciling for my cousin.

Box of Emotions

This was my first assignment with paint for Foundations in college. We used Gouache to create a self-portrait. I wanted to play off of the idea that that I would like to work with kids and teach art and used the crayons to express that.


It was a collaborative effort on this one. Dad and I with the help of family and friends made the set for our Egypt-themed VBS.


This was my solution for the self-portrait assignment for Electronic Design in High School.


This poster was another assignment for Electronic Design 2 in High School. The assignment was to create a poster about patriotism for a local contest.


This poster was for an Electronic Design class in High School as an assignment to play with layering.

Mouse and Cheese Cutting Boards

My dad and I made these cutting boards for Christmas presents. We had a lot of fun figuring it all out. I would love to try them again but make the cheese bigger.

"Your Love Life Will Be Happy and Harmonious"

This assignment was for my Freshman Foundations Class and the problem was to illustrate a fortune that we drew at random using a diptych format. The first picture had to involve the fortune cookie and the second had to be an interpretation of the fortune and the two had to tie together. I chose to render a goldfish in a fishbowl looking at a shark disguised as her "knight in shining armor". The idea was to give the fortune almost an ironic or sarcastic meaning.

Jungle Animals

This is a quick snap-shot of a colored-pencil drawing that I did for my cousin's bedroom.

Friday, June 10, 2011

We the Kings Band Poster

Introduction to Photoshop band poster assignment solution.

Love Me by Yiruma

Solution to a wood project as an abstraction of an instrument from a song (I chose Love Me by Yiruma which is a piano piece).

Kitten Heel

Wire shoe project for my sculpture class.

Creativity Underneath

This is part of the final project for my Sculpture class, and the only part that I ended up satisfied with.

Arch Model

Carved-Plaster Model of an archway for my Sculpture class this past fall. This was designed for a specific place on campus at obviously a much larger scale.

Metal Cat

My first attempt at welding this past winter.

Raku Bowl

Another Raku piece from Ceramics, I loved the way the glaze ended up working out!

Suite & Tie

This is my favorite piece that I made in ceramics! I loved the glaze on the shoes!

St. John

This is my solution to our Ceramics assignment to create a relief of a location that came to mind. I fired it first and then painted it after.

Raku Vase

Raku firing was my favorite part of the Ceramics class in High School! I loved that you had no idea what you were going to end up with!

Egyptian Vase

This is my final project for the Ceramics class, it is an Egyptian-inspired coil vase.


This daisy dish I made in the same Ceramics class back in 2008. Again, you can see my struggle with glazes (they're not as reliable and precise as I want them to be!) but I learned a lot through the process.

Bumble Bee Bowl

This is a bowl that I made in my Ceramics class in High School. I spent a lot of the time in the class playing with glazes, trying to get them to work, and getting a feel for the clay.